Here you have the chance to get a look into my lecture Control System II at Technische Hochschule Lübeck. Caused by 2020-Corona I was forced to create an online lecture, which is realized in several movies published on Youtube. But you need additionally my papers, which are prepared to download here.
Because this is the second part of Control System lecture, here you can have a download possibility of material for the first course, which is not available as Youtube- videos. Maybe it will be created in Winter semester if problems still exists –> but hopefully not!
Workbook Control System I – contains the transparencies of lecture
Student Paper Control System I – contains a complete copy of that what I have written on board, but without complete text.
Workbook control system II – Base for the lecture which will be presented piece by piece in the following videos
Here the lecture – videos:
1 CSII chap 6 Intro Link
2 CSII chap 6 Conversion P and I Link
3 CSII chap 6 Recurcive PI Algorithm Link
4 CSII chap 6 Comparison of PI analog and digital Link
5 CSII chap 6 Analog Control loop simulation Link
6 CSII chap 6Digital loop simulation with Windfc# Link
7 CSII chap 6.2.4 ff D-Part Conversion of a PID Link
8 CSII chap 6.3-6.4 Exercise and programming of PID Link
9 CSII chap 6.5 Choices of To two upper limits Link
10 CSII chap 6.5 rest 3 lower limits Link
11 CSII chap 6.6+6.7 st-approx Link
12 CSII chap 6.7.2 S&H-Block Link
13 CSII chap 6 finish Link
14 CSII chap 6 Example PIDT1 design with RegC# Link
15 CSII chap 6 Example simulation with WindfC# Link
Chapter 7 Z-transformation
16 CSII chap 7 T1 Transfer function F(z) Link
17 CSII chap 7 T2 Conversion of F(p) into F(z) Link
18 CSII chap 7 T3 Step response invariant filter Link
19 CSII chap 7 T4 Rectangular and trapezoidal approach Link
20 CSII chap 7 T5 Demo Windfc# + Digital filters Link
21 CSII chap 7 T6 Chap 7.4 Improved PIDT1- design Link
22 CSII chap 7 T7 Overview and Antiwindup Link
Chapter 8 Identification of processes
CSII 23 chap 8 T1 8.1.a Intro and PT1 Link
CSII 24 chap 8 T2 8.1.a PT1 without final value Link
(now created with old Dell Venue 11)
CSII 25 chap 8 T3 8.1 completed Link
CSII 26 chap 8 T4 8.1 Demo with 3PT1 process Link
CSII 27 chap 8 T5 8.2 Least square regression method Link
CSII 28 chap 8 T6 8.2 Demo Windfc# Link
CSII 29 chap 8 T7 8.2 Demo RSR with 8.2 Link
CSII 30 chap 8 T8 Chap 8.3 Link
CSII 31 chap 8 T9 Demo 8.3Link
CSII 32 chap 8 T10 Chap 8.4 IDA Link
CSII 33 chap 8 T11 Chap 8.5 LS Off Link
CSII 34 chap 8 T12 Chap 8.5 end start 8.6 Link
CSII 35 chap 8 T13 8.6 Demo Link
Chapter 9 Special controllers
CSII 36 chap 9 T1 Dead Beat controller Link
CSII 37 chap 9 T2 PT1 example Link
CSII 38 chap 9 T3 Delayed PT1 and DB(v+1) Link
CSII 39 chap 9 T4 Demo PT1 and theory 2PT1 process Link
CSII 40 chap 9 T5 Demo DBC with 2PT1 with limitation Link
CSII 41 chap 9 T6 9.6 Orientation controller Link
CSII 42 chap 9 T7 9.7.2 Modified Dead Beat (DB-Bay) Link
CSII 43 chap 9 T8 Demo of DB-Bay m=1 + delay Smith predictor Link
CSII 44 chap 9 9.7.3 DB-Bay m=2 + Demo Link
CSII 45 chap 9 9.7.4 DB-Bay m=3 + DemoLink
CSII 46 chap 9 9.7.5 PFC Theory of Mr. Richalet part1 Link
CSII 47 chap 9 9.7.5 PFC Theory of Mr. Richalet part2 Link
CSII 48 chap 9 Demo PT1 process Comparision of PI, DB Bay and PFC Link
CSII 49 chap 9 2PT1- PFC with Demo Link
CSII 50 chap 9 T15 9.8.1 Disturbance measurement with software Link
Note to CSII 50: The disturbance measurement in WindfC# is only available in DB-Bay- Controller.
CSII 51 chap 9 T16 9.8.3 PFC for an IT1-process Link
CSII 52 chap 9 T17 Simulation of IT1- control Link
CSII 53 chap 9 T18 9.12 PFC behaves like PI Link
CSII 54 chap 9 T19 9.13 Disturbance compensation PT1 case Link
CSII 55 chap 9 T20 9.13 Disturbance compensation 2PT1 and IT1 case Link
CSII 56 chap 9 T21 3PT1- process with all digital controllers Link
Now Lecture is completed.
signed : Prof. Dr. Bayerlein – TH Lübeck